At the break of day yesterday not many (if at all anyone) realized the significance of the day, in that day a lot changed especially in the UK.
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II passed on at the age of 96 and after being on the throne for just over 70 years, being the longest ruling Monarch in British History and also the oldest on the throne.
I risk boring you if I start to restate the number of Canadian and British Prime Ministers she witnessed or the number of American Presidents who saw her reign but she had been on the throne through our Independence, Civil War, successive military coups and reigns even up to our 20 year old democracy, simply put – She has been there almost throughout all living lives.
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Indeed, not many alive ever heard ‘the King of England’ as a title to a reigning Monarch and not many even realized that the British throne was not solely for Queens.
But this is a new era when the National Anthem is edited with ‘King’ replacing ‘Queen’ et al, when the currency is reprinted and British International Passports being redesigned, even though the first mentioned change seems to be one that will last long, many will not expect the latter two to last as long as the previous change did in 1926.
Condolences with the British People.
And Welcome on the throne His Majesty King Charles III
May the King live forever!