It’s been a long time, I shouldn’t have left you without a dope post to stare to, stare to, stare to – paraphrasing lines from Timberland’s rap in Aaliyah’s ‘Try Again’ as I have been off the blog almost since November.
But to constantly try again is one attitude to cultivate especially for people who want to attain great heights and trying again is not necessarily doing the same thing over and over again but maybe being more daring.
Yesterday, the Super Eagles reminded Nigerians of something close to what it felt like to watch Nigeria play in the 90s when they took on the Pharaohs of Egypt and for the first time in a very long time the former Green Eagles maintain up to 6 or 7 passes even with sublime.
The score-line might have just been 1-0 but it was enough to make Nigerians forget about the state of the economy at least for some minutes as the Eagles were organized and had a pattern of play – two things that have been missing since the 90s even former Super Eagles captain and Coach had to tweet that it was the best Super Eagles performance in a long time amidst other encomiums.

But what was different? Just one thing – The Gaffer – the man in charge, obviously giving Gernet Rohr the packing orders was not going to be easy for many reasons, the last being it was one month to the start of the African Cup of Nations, Infact I listened to some intelligent analyst conclude that it was wiser to allow Rohr finish the Afcon then replace him afterwards.
That was playing safe but to be safe we might not have had to leave our houses every day or make business trips through perilous routes and so on, sometimes the best thing to do come with the risk that is calculated and it’s only those who dare to try that are celebrated in the end.
The Afcon is just started – just one match played out of a possible seven now but the taste of the victory over Salah’s inspired Pharaohs is enough to reminisce for the time being. Congrats to everyone involved.