Let the Campaigns begin!

Tuoyo Emmanuel Ajuyah
Tuoyo Emmanuel Ajuyah
3 Min Read

Sometimes I wish I could peep into 2024 or even June 2023, get into Premium Trust bank or Zenith Bank or even any bank just to see the photograph that will be hanging on the wall above the name and inscription ‘President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and Commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces.

And this is because as it appears today, we have one of the most open Presidential elections; there have been times when most people were 80 or 90% sure it would go a particular way and it eventually did and maybe a few times like in 2015 where it was kind of balanced between ‘here or there’ but right now not only is it that not many people can honestly tell you authoritatively that it’s PDP or APC but there is even what now looks like a strong third force in Labour Party which makes it look like a genuine three horse race.

With the Campaigns officially beginning today, We have upon us a time we have waited for (like for almost all our lives) for the campaigns to start so that we can hear what these Aso rock hopefuls have to offer and maybe interrogate them.

It’s a time where we hear all manner of stories, stories of humble beginning or the number of years some when before wearing a shoe while some other continue the already playing anthem of entitlement and turns.

For the ‘non-contesting populace’ it’s a time for some people to leverage on the season and make genuine money from publicity and the likes while for some others to make more enemies.

I think whatever we do or not this season we must use this period to interrogate and get a better understanding of all our political office campaigners: their programmes, their personality and very importantly their past records and achievements because the past is a good predicter of the future.

And like most of us have learnt now (or in the last 8 years) these things really do affect us, our opportunities, our fortunes and even our future whether you have plans to japa or not even if you have already ‘japaed’ sef let us know our candidates so as to make an informed decision and do the needful come February next year.

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